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ZetaTalk: Future Maps齐塔Z壎ͼ未来地图
Why do so many future maps show the western portion of the United States submerged or assaulted by water? The Zetas have this in a state of mountain building, albeit with high tides during the hour of the shift, but not with Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, etc submerged. This flooding of the west coast appears in Lori Toye's channeled map, the first to be published. Then in Scallion's map representing his vision, Chet Snow's map representing the hypnosis of hundreds, and the Dolores Cannon map also representing hypnosis of many. They have the west coast going down, apparently, the reverse of what the Zetas tell us will happen other than that the inland valley's of California will be flooded for weeks due to water being trapped by the sloshing over the coastal mountains.
Z么这么多未来地图昄了美国西部地区沉没了,或者受C水的袭击?齐塔h之声v有造山q动的情况下才会q样,尽在极移时候有很高的v潮,但亚利桑那州,内华达州,U罗拉多州等没有沉没。美国西岸被洪水没出现在 Lori Toye联系渠道的地图上,而且是首先出版的地图。然后Scallion的地囑։代表了他自己之所见,Chet Snow的地图代表了几百人在催眠状下之所见,而Dolores Cannon 的地图也代表了许多h在催眠中见到的景象。他们很明显地看C国西v岸沉没了,这与齐塔h告诉我们的情늜反啊-----q不是由于v水受囎ͼ沿v的山脉受到v水搅动泼溅,造成加州的内陆山谷地z水Ҏ好几周、br /> The collective conscious, which is very real and the result of telepathic communication between a vast number of individuals, can be very influential. If the information is wrong, it nonetheless spreads about. Thus, during the last years of the Bush administration, there was broad consensus from the Webbots analysis of the collective conscious that Israel would start a war with Iran, or that war with Iran was imminent and inevitable. We stated this would not occur, because we were aware of the counter pressure being applied behind the scenes, but the common man, reading the news, reading the constant drumb beat that the Bush administration was putting out, would assume that bombing of Iran was imminent and inevitable.

Much channeled work, even though genuine, is subject to being polluted by the process. It involves what the spirit communicating wishes to say, what the human channel understands the message to be, and any inability or prejudice in the human channel which might pollute the process. The West Coast of the US is subject to a lot of tidal sloshing during the pole shift, with tidal bore during this sloshing, but clearly would not be put under water at higher altitudes which will, if anything, increase in height. Likewise sloshing up the Colorado River, combined with the breaking of the Hoover Dam, will put Phoenix under water, as we have detailed. That combined with violent earthquakes and volcanic activity along the San Andreas, and the rock and roll that will occur all along the zone subject to subduction of one plate under another, would lead a human to assume that the western portion of the US would be inundated or essentially dangerous for human habitation.
管许多渠道所作的工作是真实的,但会受到该q程?ldquo;污染。这包括了与之交的灵魂惌v些什么,人类渠道联系人对此理解多,以及人类渠道联系人的无能和凾见都可能污染v过E。麽哦过西v岸在极移的时候会遭受许多h的泼溅冲Ph泼溅的时候还会有h,但很明显,h高的地方不会被拖拽进水里。如果有什么不同的v,h高的地方高度q会增加。同P如我们曄v细叙述q的一PU罗拉多河会泼溅搅动,再加上胡佛大坝会崩溃,凤凰城就会被Ҏ在水里。由于一个板块在另一个板块下面潜没了,沿着v区域的岩石会滚动,再加上沿圣安德利斯地区有猛烈的地震和剧烈的火山活动,׃让h认ؓ国襉K地区会被没,或者实际上变得危险了,不适合人类居住、br /> ZetaTalk does not involve a single channeled session or a series of sessions, it involves almost continuous telepathic communication over decades on these subjects. The issues are revisited, and cross-correlated, by the logical mind of a woman with a German heritage, highly intelligent and given to question anything that does not make sense or correlate with the facts. Thus the ZetaTalk message is more reliable. The Lori Toye map, as the first published and much discussed on major media, is an example of the collective conscious being polluted by an incorrect interpretation.

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