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我们认äØ“ç«æ˜Ÿæ˜¯ä¸€ä¸ªè·Ÿåœ°çƒçŽ¯å¢ƒå¾ˆæŽ¥˜q‘的星çƒã€‚å°½½Ž¡ä»–们在我们太阳¾p»é‡Œæ˜¯ç¬¬ä¸‰å’Œ½W¬å››çš„星çƒï¼Œä½†æ˜¯åœ°çƒå’Œç«æ˜Ÿçš„行程˜q‡ç¨‹å¯èƒ½å¾ˆä¸ä¸€æ —÷€‚æ ¹æ®ä¸¤ä½ç§‘学家现在的估‹¹‹ï¼Œåœ°çƒå’Œç«æ˜Ÿä¹‹é—´å·¨å¤§çš„地ç†æ€§å·®å¼‚å¯èƒ½æ˜¯å› äؓ在太阳系形æˆåŽï¼Œç«æ˜Ÿçš„æˆé•¿å²åªæœ‰çŸ­çŸ­çš„二百万到四百万òq´ã€?

In contrast, Earth grew to its full size 50 to 100 million years after the solar system¡¯s birth, via collisions with other small bodies in the solar system.
相å,太阳系形æˆä¹‹åŽï¼Œåœ°çƒç»åŽ†äº†äº”åƒä¸‡åˆ°ä¸€äº¿å¹´ï¼Œé€šè¿‡æ— æ•°å¤ªé˜³¾p»é‡Œž®çš„星体ç›æ€º’¼„°æ’žæ‰æœ‰äº†ä»Šå¤©çš„体积ã€ü/p>

Mars¡¯s rapid formation might help explain why it is so small ¨C the runt of the planetary litter among inner worlds in our solar system ¨C say the study¡¯s co-authors.
˜q™æ¬¡ç ”究的åˆä½œè€…说,ç«æ˜Ÿçš„˜q…速åÅžæˆå¯ä»¥è§£é‡Šäؓ什么它的体¿U¯é‚£ä¹ˆå°çš„原因,å¯ä»¥­v´å®ƒæ˜¯æˆ‘们太阳系内的ä¾å„’行星了ã€ü/p>

Nicolas Dauphas at University of Chicago and Ali Pourmand at University of Miami made the suggestion of Mars¡¯ rapid formation in a study published in the May 26, 2011 issue of the journal Nature.
æ¥è‡ªèŠåŠ å“¥å¤§å­¦çš„ž®¼å¤æ‹‰æ–¯¡¤é“法斯和˜qˆé˜¿å¯†å¤§å­¦çš„阉K‡Œ¡¤å¸ƒå°”曼å¯d在一½‹‡å­¦æœ¯è®ºæ–‡ä¸­æ出ç«æ˜Ÿçš„迅速åÅžæˆçš„­v´æ³•ã€‚è¿™½‹‡è®ºæ–‡å‘表在2011òq?æœ?6日的《自然》期刊上ã€ü/p>

Hubble Space Telescope took this picture of Mars on June 26, 2001, when Mars was approximately 68 million kilometers (43 million miles) from Earth - the closest Mars has been to Earth since 1988. Image Credit: NASA and ESA


˜q‘的一‹Æ¡ã€‚图片所有æƒï¼ NASAå’ŒESAã€ü/p>

Relative size of the inner planets of the solar system (from l-r): Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. New research supports the idea that Mars owes its small size to its relatively rapid formation. Image Credit: Lunar and Planetary Institute

新的研究支æŒäº†ç«æ˜Ÿçš„体积ž®æ˜¯å› äØ“å…¶çœÛå¯Îù¿…速的形战q‡ç¨‹çš„观ç‚V€ü/p>

囄¡‰‡æ‰€æœ‰æƒï¼šæœˆçƒå’Œè¡Œæ˜Ÿç ”究所ã€ü/p>

Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are sometimes called the terrestrial planets. In other words, the assumption has been that they are like Earth, formed in a similar way and time. But Mars probably should not be considered terrestrial, or Earthlike, said Dauphas, who is an associate professor in geophysical sciences:


Earth was made of embryos like Mars, but Mars is a stranded planetary embryo that never collided with other embryos to make an Earthlike planet.
地çƒæ˜¯ç”±¾cÖM¼¼äºŽç«æ˜Ÿä¸€æ ïLš„胚胎¾l„æˆï¼Œä½†æ˜¯ç«æ˜Ÿæ˜¯ä¸€ä¸ªè¢«é—忘的行星胚胎,


When he speaks of embryos, he is speaking of bodies that formed within a vast disk of gas and dust ¨C with the infant sun at its center ¨C that existed four-and-a-half billion years ago when our solar system was first forming. Planetary embryos are thought of as bodies big enough to have undergone at least some internal melting, so that the interiors of these bodies have begun a process of forming layers. Planetary embryos are believed to form out of kilometer-sized planetesimals that attract each other gravitationally and collide.

当他­v´åˆ°èƒšèƒŽæ—Óž¼Œä»–是在说在一个充满气体和ž®˜åŸƒçš„巨大ç£ç›˜ä¸­å½¢æˆçš„物体,存在于四å五亿年å‰å¤ªé˜³ç³»åˆšåˆšå½¢æˆçš„时候,òq¶ä»¥òq¼å¹´æ—¶æœŸçš„太阳äؓ它的中心。行星胚胎被认äؓ是èƒö够大的物体,è‡Ðn°‘å¯ä»¥˜q›è¡Œä¸€äº›å†…部èžåˆï¼ŒäºŽæ˜¯ï¼Œè¿™äº›ç‰©ä½“的内部ž®±å¼€å§‹äº†å½¢æˆå±‚çš„˜q‡ç¨‹ã€‚æ®ä¿¡ï¼Œè¡Œæ˜ŸèƒšèƒŽæœ€¾lˆåÅžæˆç›´å¾„达到数公里的å°è¡Œæ˜Ÿï¼Œè¿™æ ·å°±èƒ½åœ¨ç›æ€º’之间产生é‡åŠ›å¸å¼•åŠ›ï¼Œæœ€¾lˆäñ”生碰撞ã€ü/p>

According to planet formation theory, there was a process of building that went on in the early solar system ¨C smaller planetesimals to larger planetary embryos to actual planets. The idea here is that ¨C while Earth formed slowly from planetary embryos colliding ¨C Mars is itself a solitary planetary embryo that formed very early in the history of our solar system.#p#副标é¢?e#

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The new work provides supporting evidence for this idea, which was first proposed 20 years ago on the basis of planetary growth simulations. The new evidence likely will change the way planetary scientists view Mars. Pourmand, who is an assistant professor in marine geology and geophysics, said:


We thought that there were no embryos in the solar system to study, but when we study Mars, we are studying embryos that eventually made planets like Earth.
我们以å‰è®¤äؓ在太阳系,没有胚胎值得åŽÈ ”½IÓž¼Œä½†æ˜¯å½“我们研½I¶ç«æ˜Ÿæ—¶ï¼‹ü/p>

我们ž®±æ˜¯åœ¨ç ”½I¶æœ€¾lˆåÅžæˆç±»ä¼¼åœ°çƒçš„行星胚胎ã€ü/p>

There have been large uncertainties in the formation history of Mars because of the unknown composition of its mantle, the rock layer that underlies the crust. Dauphas said:

å› äؓ其地òq”的未知混åˆç‰©ï¼Œç«æ˜Ÿå½¢æˆåŽ†å²ä¸Šè¿˜æœ‰è¯¸å¤šä¸¼‹®å®šå› ç´ ã€‚地òq”是一个ä½äºŽåœ°å£³ä¸‹é¢çš„岩石层。é“法斯­v´é“ï¼™ü/p>

Now we can shrink those uncertainties to the point where we can do interesting science.
现在我们能将˜q™äº›ä¸ç¡®å®šå› ¾y èŒƒå›´ç¾ƒž®åˆ°èƒ½å¼€å±•æœ‰­‘£ç§‘学实验的½E‹åº¦ã€ü/p>

Dauphas and Pourmand were able to refine the age of Mars by using the radioactive decay of the elements hafnium to tungsten in Martian meteorites ¨C that is, meteorites from the planet Mars that have come to Earth. Read more about Martian meteorites here.

é“法斯和布尔曼å¯d能通过在ç«æ˜Ÿé™¨çŸ³ä¸­é“ªå…ƒ¾y å˜æˆé’¨å…ƒç´ çš„放ž®„性衰å˜è¿‡½E‹æ¥¾_„¡¡®ç«æ˜Ÿçš„å¹´¾Uªã€‚é‚£ž®±æ˜¯­vß_¼Œæ›¾æœ‰ç«æ˜Ÿçš„陨çŸÐn è½åˆ°åœ°çƒã€‚我们在˜q™é‡Œäº†è§£æ›´å¤šçš„ç«æ˜Ÿé™¨çŸ³ä¿¡æ¯ã€ü/p>

To read the details of the process by which Dauphas and Pourmand studied radioactivity decay in Martian meteorites ¨C and arrived at their conclusions ¨C see a May 25, 2011 press release from University of Chicago.

è¦äº†è§£é“法斯和布ž®”曼å¾ïL”¨æ¥ç ”½I¶ç«æ˜Ÿé™¨çŸ³çš„攑ְ„性衰å˜çš„˜q™ä¸ª½E‹åº¾l†èŠ‚,并得出他们的结论,å¯ä»¥åŽÈœ‹çœ?011òq?æœ?5æ—¥èŠåŠ å“¥å¤§å­¦å‡ºç‰ˆ½C„¡š„刊物ã€ü/p>

Bottom line: Scientists Nicolas Dauphas of the University of Chicago and Ali Pourmand of the University of Miami have conducted a study on the formation of Mars, published in the May 26, 2011 issue of the journal Nature. Their results show that Mars formed in as little as two to four million years after the birth of the solar system. This is more quickly than Earth formed and would explain the small size of Mars. The study was derived from an examination of radioactive decay in elements found in Martian meteorites.

¾l“果:èŠåŠ å“¥å¤§å­¦çš„科学家ž®¼å¤æ‹‰æ–¯¡¤é“法斯和˜qˆé˜¿å¯†å¤§å­¦çš„¿U‘学安™˜¿é‡?middot;布尔曼å¯d开展了一™å¹å…³äºŽç«æ˜ŸåÅžæˆçš„研究,å‘表在2011òq?æœ?6日的《自然》æ‚志上。他们的研究¾l“果昄¡¤ºï¼Œç«æ˜Ÿä»…ä»…åÅžæˆåœ¨å¤ªé˜³¾pÕdÅžæˆä¹‹åŽçš„两百万到四百万年间。这˜qœæ¯”地çƒå½¢æˆè¦å¿«ï¼Œå¹¶ä¸”能解释ä¸ÞZ»€ä¹ˆç«æ˜Ÿä½“¿U¯é‚£ä¹ˆå°çš„原因。这个结果æ¥è‡ªå¯¹ç«æ˜Ÿé™¨çŸ³çš„å…ƒ¾y æ”¾ž®„性衰å˜ç ”½I¶ã€übr />

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